1. Specify the store category in the child menu.
  1. 長田鉱泉場


  2. 筑紫野スポーツランド


  3. 大濠公園


  4. 夜須高原釣り堀パーク


  5. 到津の森公園


  6. 茶の文化館と星の文化館


  7. 恋木神社


  8. ガシャポンバンダイ オフィシャルショップ キャナルシティ博多店

    ガシャポンバンダイ キャナルシティ博多店

  9. 中村農園


  10. 如意輪寺


  11. 響灘緑地・グリーンパーク


  12. e-ビークルパーク



Masami Kappo

大衆割烹 まさ味

大衆割烹 まさ味

We will introduce you to a restaurant where you can enjoy Fukuoka’s fresh seafood from the morning 😊 Located on the 1st floor of Market Hall, 3-11-3 Nagahama, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture. This is “Masami Kappo”😆 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟 This is a great shop located in the Fukuoka City Fish Market Hall where you can get fresh seafood at a reasonable price😆 The restaurant is closed on Sundays and public holidays, but on business days the restaurant is open from 7 a.m., so you can enjoy Fukuoka’s seafood from the morning! ️ There is a wide variety of menus, and you will be spoiled for choice as they include not only raw seafood served in a bowl, but also menus such as aradaki, tempura, and even chicken tempura. This time, I received the “Atonose Special Shanghai Rice Bowl”!! ️ The seafood that comes next is packed with luxurious ingredients such as tuna, yellowtail, squid, sea urchin, and salmon roe, and is extremely fresh! ️ It’s fun to add your favorite ingredients one by one. When you take a bite, it tastes really luxurious!! ️ The plump texture of squid and salmon roe is also great😆 I’m really happy to be able to get it at this price. I also appreciate that the set comes with various things like chawanmushi and small bowls 😊 This is a recommended restaurant for those who want to fully enjoy fresh seafood 😊


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