1. Specify the store category in the child menu.
  1. 長田鉱泉場


  2. 筑紫野スポーツランド


  3. 大濠公園


  4. 夜須高原釣り堀パーク


  5. 到津の森公園


  6. 茶の文化館と星の文化館


  7. 恋木神社


  8. ガシャポンバンダイ オフィシャルショップ キャナルシティ博多店

    ガシャポンバンダイ キャナルシティ博多店

  9. 中村農園


  10. 如意輪寺


  11. 響灘緑地・グリーンパーク


  12. e-ビークルパーク



“Dashi-cooked Pasta Dashi and Soup” from Kayanosha Hakata Deitos store

Introducing souvenirs from Fukuoka from food manufacturers that are popular nationwide 😊 Located on the 1st floor of JR Hakata Station Hakata Deitos. This is “Dashi-cooked Pasta Dashi and Soup” from Kayanosha Hakata Deitos store 😊 🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝 This is a product released by the Kayanoya brand, which is developed by Kuhara Honke, a company founded in Fukuoka. If you cook it with Kayanosha’s dashi stock and dipping sauce, it will become a delicious pasta!! ️ To make it, add the soup stock pack and water, bring to a boil, add the soup and pasta, and cook for about 1 minute. After that, turn off the heat and cover the pot for the time it takes to boil the pasta, then warm it up at the end and it’s done! ️ This time, I made the kelp soup stock with bacon and other toppings of your choice 😊 Kayanosha’s soup stock is directly added to the pasta, so the pasta has a strong flavor, and when combined with the other ingredients and Japanese soup, it has a refreshing and elegant taste! ️ Deliciousness that will make you feel like you are eating Japanese food 😆 This is a new souvenir from Fukuoka that you will be happy with 😊


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