Introducing a popular tempura restaurant in Fukuoka😊 Located at 2-4-1 Higashi-Hirao, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City This is “Tempura Dokoro Hirao Main Store”😆 🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐This is “Umai! quick! cheap! A tempura shop with After all, the freshly fried tempura is brought to the tray immediately, so you can enjoy the delicious freshly fried tempura! ️ Moreover, it comes with a free service of salted squid, so rice is recommended 😆 At noon, customers are waiting in a long line 😅 But the turnover is fast, so the turnover is fast! ️ The staff’s consideration is wonderful, and when I leave tempura, they ask me if I can take it home, and when I eat, they care about various things such as salted squid 😌 It is a specialty store that can be said to be Fukuoka’s soul food 😊