Introducing popular shrines in Fukuoka😌 Located at 1-1-1 Umi-cho, Kasuya-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture It’s “Umi Hachimangu Shrine” 😃 ⛩⛩⛩⛩⛩⛩⛩⛩ Umi Hachimangu Shrine is said to have been built during the reign of Emperor Bidatsu (572-586), where Empress Jingu gave birth to Emperor Ojin. In the precincts, there is “Yukatasha” where the founder of midwives is enshrined, “Ubuyu-no-mizu” which is said to have been used for Emperor Ojin’s first bath, and “Koyasu tree” which is said to have been held when Empress Jingu gave birth. Many people come to pray for safe childbirth. In front of Yukataden, the last shrine in the precincts, there is a fist-sized stone called “Koyasu no Ishi”. Pregnant women take this stone home to pray for a safe delivery, and after giving birth they return it with another new stone. There is a custom that I remember visiting and bringing back a stone so that my baby would be born safely I really recommend it for praying for safe delivery! ️