1. お店

  2. Specify the store category in the child menu.
  1. 長田鉱泉場


  2. 筑紫野スポーツランド


  3. 大濠公園


  4. 夜須高原釣り堀パーク


  5. 到津の森公園


  6. 茶の文化館と星の文化館


  7. 恋木神社


  8. ガシャポンバンダイ オフィシャルショップ キャナルシティ博多店

    ガシャポンバンダイ キャナルシティ博多店

  9. 中村農園


  10. 如意輪寺


  11. 響灘緑地・グリーンパーク


  12. e-ビークルパーク



Ringodo Minoshima store

林檎堂 美野島店
林檎堂 美野島店

We will introduce popular candy apple shops in Fukuoka. Located at 2-6-3 Minoshima, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City It’s “Ringodo Minoshima store” 😊 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 We are particular about apples, which are the main ingredient of apple candy 🍎 we purchase apples from apple farmers mainly in Aomori Prefecture, and those who sympathize with Ringodo’s thoughts. We carefully examine the types and production areas of apples, and select the most delicious ones at that time, so you can eat and compare the differences in apples depending on the season! ️ In addition to the 8 standard types of candied apples, such as plain and yogurt, limited-edition and rare varieties of apples are sometimes available, so it’s irresistible for apple lovers! ️ This time, I got plain and cinnamon sugar 😊 The plain has a very strong sweetness from the apple itself, and it is finished with an elegant candy, so it feels refreshing and really delicious 😍 I learned for the first time that candy apples are so delicious 😊 Cinnamon sugar spreads the scent of cinnamon when you open the bag, and when you eat it, the refreshing taste goes well with the sweet apple! ️ If you eat it right away, it’s easier to eat if you cut it into a stylish cup and put it in it 😊


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